Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative

Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative

Meet the Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative (OREC) and find out how you can benefit directly from the energy transition. OREC raises capital through the sale of preference shares. This capital is pooled by the co-op to build renewable energy projects. Revenues from the sale of renewable energy are returned to investors in the form of interest payments, dividends, and capital repayment. With a 14-year track record, over 1,000 members and a portfolio of 24 renewable energy and 3 energy efficiency projects (and growing), OREC contributes to more democracy and transparency in electricity generation and is an important piece of our journey away from fossil fuels.
Join us whether you’re interested in a truly green investment from as little as $500, have partnership ideas, or want to find out how decentralized energy resources (DER) will transform our energy system for the better.

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